Your Child’s 20/20 Vision Isn’t Always “Perfect”
Eye exams for children are extremely important. Experts say 5 to 10% of pre-schoolers and 25% of school-aged children have vision problems. Early identification of a child’s vision problem is crucial because, if left untreated, some childhood vision problems can cause permanent vision loss.
The Senaptec Sensory Station is a sensory training and evaluation device that can evaluate and develop 10 visual and sensorimotor skills.
The FitLight Trainer™ is made of disks with LED lights that can be arranged in different patterns to test and challenge your vision and hand/eye coordination.
The speed, visual field, color, and quantity of lights is all determined by your age and ability. With the FitLight Trainer™ we customize the training exercise to fit your ability and adjusted as you progress.
Visual Clarity
How clearly you can recognize distant details
Contrast Sensitivity
Your ability to perceive changes in contrast
Depth Perception
The degree to which you can judge depth at a distance
Near Far Quickness
How quickly you can adjust your vision between distances
Vision Span
The speed you can visually acquire critical information
Reaction Time
How fast your hands can react to visual signals
Target Capture
Your ability to visually shift perception and recognize targets in your peripheral vision
Multiple Object Tracking
How well you can track moving objects in space with distractions
Eye Hand Coordination
Your ability to physically respond to changing visual targets
Go/ No Go
Whether you can make decision and react accurately under pressure